Download the completed Quartz Composer patch for this tutorial.
Today we are once again joined by guest poster Marcos Prack with part three of his series of Spanish video tutorials for a lesson on using Quartz Composer compositions in VDMX: "En este tutorial os muestro como crear una composición en Quartz Composer y publicar parámetros que controlaremos luego en VDMX."
More information about Marco's VDMX and Quartz Composer VJ course later this April can be found here:
Next up have a look at some of the other things you can do using Quartz Composer with VDMX.
1. Quartz Composer:
Using an Iterator in Quartz Composer we made a comp starting from a gif image. With Iterator Variables its possible to render each iteration in a different place of the screen.
In the top level we put a radial gradient for the background and published the radius. Also publish the color and size of the sprite.
2. VDMX:
In VDMX create a Control Surface with a Color Wheel to colorize the images. The LFO sends data to the Color Wheel's HUE creating a color loop.
Right click on the color sample in the QC Interface window to choose the Color Wheel of the Control Surface 1. Then the audio filter 1 to a Width (size) slider to control the circle's size.