The completed project file and Quartz Composer patch for this project can be downloaded here.
Getting ready for your Valentines Day gig?
Here's a quick starter project for VDMX that includes a simple particle generator Quartz Composer composition that rains down hearts over a live camera input and movie loops to add an extra bit of special something-something to the visuals.
The included composition will work in other example projects as well such as the Four Channel Mixer, or try extending this project yourself by adding a step sequencer to change the color of the hearts on beat.
Live Camera + Quartz Composer, next stop romance.
Set the 'Composition Mode' to 'OpenGL-Over' so the Hearts layer appears in front of the background instead of blended. Read more on Layer Composition Basics.
Clouds and Hearts composition contains controls for adjusting the position and color of the particles.
Open and modify the Quartz Composer composition to add your own custom input parameters.